Friday, May 05, 2006

Bike Tour

Cover Indiana Bike Tour LogoFrom May 14th-20th I will be biking to Indianapolis as part of the third annual Cover Indiana Bike Tour. The event is primarily a fundraiser for the 71 Habitat for Humanity affiliates in Indiana. Each rider is to find sponsors for their 350 mile journey to raise money.

Now is the time where I implore my faithful readership to help out. Even though you may only number in the single digits your assistance would be greatly appreciated. When you break it down on a per mile basis there is sure to be a rate you can afford:

per mile$3.50
per mile$7.00
per mile$17.50
10¢per mile$35.00
25¢per mile$87.50
50¢per mile$175.00
π¢per km$17.69

All donations collected go to local affiliates of Habitat for Humanity International to help them in their mission to eliminate poverty housing worldwide. It is an ambitious goal but over 200,000 homes have built so far providing over 1,000,000 people with simple, decent, affordable housing. So please:



Mark said...

Dan, Congrats on the birthday. Well, those happen whether you want them to or not. Congratulations on living in such a way that you have sustained life for the previous 365 days. I wish you 365 more. Refraining from activities such as: Drinking alcohol and playing human frogger simultaneously will surely improve the likelihood of your survival for the next short while. Don’t be fooled though, there are more things you can do to increase your life expectancy, such as eating carrots, not eating raw human flesh/feces, not attempting to sharpen the mower blades while it is engaged and running, wearing a helmet…all the time, abstaining from drowning (just in general).

Dan, I wish you well in your next year. Don’t do drugs.


Danny said...

did you finish?